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A Guide to Sustainability in Outfitting

Sustainability in outfitting is a journey, not a destination. At Tecnolegno Allestimenti, this journey is realised through our dedication to four fundamental pillars: eco-design, modularity, a green approach and material recovery. This is the story of how we pursue these principles in each of our projects, with passion and dedication.

1. Eco-Design

Each of our projects is created with an eye on the environment. Already in the design phase, every decision is guided by the intention to reduce the ecological footprint. We use advanced software to optimise the design and minimise waste during production. Finally, we favour eco-friendly materials, such as FSC-certified wood and biodegradable composites, or state-of-the-art low-energy lighting solutions. Our vision goes beyond the use of eco-friendly materials; we aim for inherently sustainable design, combining aesthetics and environmental responsibility.

2. Modularity and Versatility

We firmly believe in the principle of ‘reuse’; in fact, our structures are designed to be modular and versatile. This not only allows unprecedented customisation for our customers but also extends the useful life of the materials. Modular set-ups adapt to various spaces and uses, reducing the need to create new structures from scratch for each event. This approach is not only practical but also demonstrates how respect for the environment can go hand in hand with innovation and creativity.

3. Green Approach in Processes

Every step of the design process is influenced by our green philosophy. From production processes that minimise CO2 emissions to the choice of suppliers who share our sustainability values, every detail is designed for consistency. Furthermore, we strive for a safe and healthy working environment for our employees.

4. Material Recovery

The life cycle of an installation does not end with the event for which it was created. After each event, we analyse the outfittings in order to recover and reuse every possible element. This not only reduces waste but also fuels a virtuous circle of responsible creation. Materials that cannot be reused are recycled responsibly, ensuring that every component of the outfittings can have a second life.

+ Certifications for Sustainability in Outfitting

As an extra step, we consider it essential that a company must also guarantee and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through the appropriate regulatory certifications. This serves not only as a guarantee to external stakeholders but first and foremost as an internal lever within the company to pursue and maintain the required standards over time. In this sense, Tecnolegno has requested and obtained the following certifications for the sustainability of its outfittings:

  • FSC: Controlled origin of wood-based raw materials
  • ISO 14001: Environmental Management System
  • ISO 20121: Event Sustainability Management System
  • ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System

At Tecnolegno, we firmly believe that an ecological approach is not only a responsibility but also an opportunity to innovate and inspire. Each of our projects is not just a set-up, but a step towards a more sustainable future.